Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Curse Recession...

I am so very sick of recession business. I finally land an awesome job and I think we’re set right? Well I’m supporting my husband right now while he wraps up college (for maybe the millionth time). And I feel so much pressure and stress. I’m fighting with the owner of our home who wants to raise rent next year because ‘times are tough.’

Listen, times are tough for me too okay? I feel so much stress right now that I feel like there is some sort of not cute but cranky koala bear attacking me every second of the day and it hisses at me ‘Recession! REECESSSIIION!’ Oh by the way – it makes it much easier for my husband to find a job. (sarcasm)

I’m a religious person right. Ask and you shall receive and GOD has always come through at the most wonderful times. And I’ve never felt like I was alone. I still do not feel alone but I’ve been attending Mass (I’m not even Catholic…yet) every week and praying for him to get a job. PLEASE help! I’m sending up my SOS signals. So this is my blog prayer that God is listening and waiting for me to jump on ol’ Blogger and ask for his help.

It’s not like I don’t realize that there are so much more needier people than my family. We’re so blessed and we abuse those blessings in so many ways, and I know there are more worthy people of help – but I’m hoping that someone up there is listening to me graveling on my knees and first asking that I keep my job as others lose their income around me and also that Rich finds … something. I don’t know what is going on anymore with him. This summer will be a year he’s had off taking care of the boys and he’s done a wonderful job but I need his help and I know he wants to help me but I’ve sent out about a thousand more of his resumes than he has.

I told him last night ‘you’re about a week away from working days at Wendy’s and Nights at McDonalds.’ I wonder if they would actually let someone do that? Conflict of interest maybe? Would you get confused about your burgers? I guess the round and square patties would help you out.

I am such a laid back person even my blood pressure is abnormally low but I am starting to really feel it from all sides and it’s so not in my personality to stress about things like this. I mean we’re already in the thick of it. It’s either going to work or I’ll teach my kids to sing for money outside of Great American Ballpark.

I’m reading Marcus Luttrell’s book about Navy Seal Team 10 and Operation Redwing. It’s a very sad book but I will say that I think it’s really eye opening about what those guys go through on foreign land and especially during this war. It has a strong message about the liberal media staying out of the way of the military and how much of a hindrance it is for our soldiers to be scared of every step they make for being crucified by the media and then by their own branch of the armed forces. Also after our politicians decide to send them to war- they should stay the hell out of it. It’s just a great book with an insane look at Navy Seal Training and what you go through and wow… It’s amazing. No wonder they are the most elite force in the world.

Well Mr. Mason had his Early Intervention appt today. First off, I am relieved because I thought so long that I was being over protective and everyone said ‘he’ll learn when he learns…’ or ‘it’s because he’s a twin’ or ‘it’s because he’s a preemie’… all these excuses that I didn’t need. I needed to know what was wrong and how to help.

These are the results of his tests in months. This is what the age he seems to be at rather than he is. His real age is 18 months.

For cognitive skills: 10-11 months.
For physical and gross motor skills: 16 months
For physical fine motor skills: 19 months
Communication skills: Receptive Communications 7 months Expressive 9 months.
Social Emotional Skills: 23 months!
Adaptive Skills: 11 months

The delayed areas that they will be working on is adaptive skills (I have to learn what this means?! I’m not sure) and communication skills and also cognitive skills. They tested vision (but we know he’s nearsighted and will get glasses at age 2) and hearing was fine.

The used the Battelle Method (Which I haven’t researched yet but I will).

She said that I should definitely ‘baby sign’ with Mason. She said that he really is laid back and most kids who are where is are very frustrated and cry a lot because they can’t tell you what they want. (Mason doesn’t point to things or cry) He just stares at people. She said he’s very happy one of the most laid back babies she’s ever spent 2 hours with.

The whole time he was running around, throwing balls (He loves to throw balls and has a GREAT arm!!!) and would sit with them for a while and play but didn’t obviously the whole time. He almost seemed so active it was like a different baby and I’m starting to realize what is going on at our house. It was confirmed when my mother in law calls and says Maddox is repeating so many words after her and is very happy and tried to dress himself with her help this morning. I think what is really holding our boys back is that we are not concentrating on them as individuals. We think of them as a whole. I NEVER in a million years thought that I’d be a parent who did that with Twins because I can understand the need to be different instead of cutesy but through the evaluation – I kept saying …but his brother… and his brother doesn’t…. and Mason is the brother who… and it was nearly impossible to keep Maddox out of our conversation.

So clearly Maddox and Mason need some time apart. They both seemed to jump leaps and bounds with single attention. I’m sad that we’ve just been so busy with three kids – we’ve really been treating the twins as one – not paying enough attention while we dealt with Ethan or one other twin. So I think this realization of what is going on will help us very much. It was an eye opener.

Thanks for reading if you got this long.

We’ve decided to spend 30 minutes a night with them apart. And also one gets to stay up an hour later than the other during the week (alternating of course) so we can give individual attention for a while. During the weekend, we are going to separate them for a few hours and do different activities. It may seem drastic but if they are in the same room we are treating them like one. Its very difficult not talk to both of them instead of ‘Maddox do you like your food?’ ‘Mason do you like your food.’ ‘Maddox loves Elmo’ ‘Mason loves Cookie Monster’ Even if we did that every sentence it STILL would confuse them.

They also have their own jabber language that they use when no ones around. That’s holding Mason back as well.

Well this is a long enough entry.


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