Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Work Stuff and Nitrous Oxide.

Hello. I’m having a great day at work and it’s about to end. This has been a high stress week. Every day I’ve come into work in a sparkling mood ready to more awesome than the day before and everyday I’ve been hit with a huge project or a huge personality first thing in the door that just makes me feel ‘punished’ for being in a good mood. I think Hump day finally broke that awful curse. I’m starting to feel about 90% after my wisdom teeth. For a while I prayed for the sweet release of death but eventually this too shall pass. It made me feel major guilt about taking my high school boyf out the day after he got his wisdom teeth out to an amusement park, where he proceeded to pass out on a particularly vicious roller coaster and then I had to drive home. I didn’t have my license or anything but dude was out of it. I think about how much pain he had to be in and I begged and begged like a spoiled brat for him to take me and he did. I’d have spent more time on that subject if I didn’t remember that he also treat me like crappola after a few years and maybe he deserved the roller coaster ride of hell that day. Fate knew. Oh yes, it knew.

So that occupied my thoughts along with strong feelings about buying some nitrous oxide on ebay. Seriously. Every house should have some of this stuff. IT would make life so much easier. I love that feeling. I felt so good – I wanted them to put a thousand IV needles in my body. It felt wonderful… Wow. That sounded Macabre. But you know what I mean. Life is good with some NO. I may rethink Dentistry as a career.

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