Wednesday, December 24, 2008

"We Wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year"

So it's Christmas Eve. It's the best time of year to have Children. Ethan is so excited about Santa Clause- it's really adorable. I know one day some idiot classmate of his will tell him the truth about all of that- but I hope he gets to believe for a while. It's really fun to be able to watch his eyes light up on Christmas morning and c'mon as a mother- you have to admit, there is not as powerful as pretending to have Santa on your Blackberry speed dial.

Ah work. This is a really good time for work. Mostly there is none except that I do take care of invoices for all of marketing so this is a pretty busy time for me. I also have to organize a large training for January in Dallas so I'm doing a lot of prework to be ready when I get back from Miami on January 5.

I did have enough time today to go down to the gym at the office and take a shower to be ready for my Christmas party with my family. My dad is so bummed out so I called all my sisters yesterday and asked them to meet me at Grandma's house early so we could make a video tape for my dad and email it to him. I think it will make him feel so much better.

Lauren and I talked a little last night. Mostly we fought but decided that we were going to be okay as time would heal whatever we were going through. I said 'I'm not mad at you- I'm mad at him. I'm so mad at him and it's going to take some time to be okay with this. She wants to marry Chris and have kids with him. I can't stop that trainwreck. I can only watch it happen. Maybe people change. Maybe. I hope so. For her.

I'm lucky to have Shanna who is a great friend. For all the problems I have with Lauren; I have none with Shanna. I'm happy to know that I'll always have her. I never worry about us. I know we're going to be okay. I don't have that kind of stability with anyone else in my life. There is something there that says that everything in the world can leave us; but we'll never leave each other. I don't know why I think I need anything else.

So much happening in January. Miami, The House, 25.
Too much.

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